The Gift – Robin L.
“The Gift of Cancer.
I know by now most of you are wondering if this title is a mistake. I am here to share with you how having cancer has improved my life. So a little about me first. I am 61 years old,married with 2 adult children Kira and Seth. Two different fathers but that’s a whole different story. Lived in Ventura California for the past 24 years. I am the kind of person who likes to be involved in my community. I am what some people call a take charge kind of person who helps others. Trained as a social worker I have helped others all my life.
So let’s skip to about 2 and a half years ago. Funny this reminds me of when I was young and used the half way marker to show people I was older. Of course now I just use the correct year. Ha Ha. In this case since my mastectomy the more years away from that dx the better in terms of it coming back. I know I said it was a gift but getting it once is enough of a gift. Although if it does come back I am sure I will learn more.
Though my treatment I the independent take charge person who helped others was learning how to accept help from others. A foreign concept to me. In addition I learned that life does have an end. I often had trouble being in touch with my feelings. With cancer, I was able to take opportunities that helped me become more in touch with my feelings I became more spiritual and less anxious. Instead of always thinking about the future, being in the moment was important. I was able to appreciate small things like a sunset. Sounds silly maybe to anyone who doesn’t have time to stop their busy lives and appreciate such things. It also has taken away my fear about death and need to control things. Ability to control things go out the door once you are diagnosed. I feel I can live life to the fullest now. However one might define that. For me my relationships have improved and I have learned to take time for myself.
Being part of this book and letting you all look at my new body has helped me also to accept myself as I am. Not only because I have one breast but because of who I am as a total person. Which includes the good the bad and the ugly.
Please learn from me that taking care of yourself and accepting yourself as you are is the greatest gift “